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Academic Standards

As a Catholic school, we are committed to providing academic curriculum that not only challenges students intellectually but also nurtures their spiritual and moral development.

At St. Basil School, we maintain our standards-based curriculum by offering challenging lesson plans that include the traditional subjects of English Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science, as well as Religion, Spanish, Art, Music and Physical Education. The curriculum at St. Basil School is implemented according to standards set forth by the Diocese of Sacramento, which meets or exceeds California State Standards while also integrating Catholic teachings and values into every aspect of the learning experience.

Our academic standards are rooted in the belief that each student is a unique creation of God, endowed with gifts and talents waiting to be discovered and cultivated. With this understanding, our dedicated faculty members strive to create a dynamic learning environment where students are encouraged to think critically, explore their interests, and excel academically.

In addition to academic coursework, we provide students with opportunities for enrichment and advancement through extracurricular activities such as academic clubs, competitions, and community service projects.

Moreover, our commitment to academic excellence extends beyond the classroom. We provide ongoing support and resources to help students achieve their academic goals, including tutoring.

As partners in your child's education, we encourage open communication and collaboration between parents, students, and teachers to ensure each student's academic success. Together, we can empower our students to reach their full potential and become confident, compassionate leaders in their communities.

We would be honored to partner with you in providing an academic experience grounded in faith, values, and excellence.