Sacrament Preparation
At St. Basil School, we embrace the sacred responsibility of guiding our students in their journey of faith, particularly through the preparation for receiving the sacraments. Rooted in the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church, we work in partnership with families and the parish to ensure students grow in their understanding of and love for the sacraments.
Through a combination of classroom instruction, prayer, reflection, and active participation in the liturgical life of the Church, our sacramental preparation programs are designed to deepen each student’s relationship with God. We provide thorough and age-appropriate catechesis for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation, fostering a meaningful and transformative experience.
Recognizing that parents are the primary faith educators, we engage and support families by providing resources, workshops, and opportunities to participate in their child’s preparation process. Together, we strive to ensure that each child receives the sacraments with a joyful heart and a deep understanding of their significance as encounters with Christ’s grace and love.