Academic Assessment
Proof of Progress with Academic Assessments
At multiple points throughout the school year, all St. Basil School students complete STAR assessments to monitor student progress and benchmark growth. For those that are not familiar with this benchmark testing application, this adaptive testing program provides our teachers with more detailed information on students’ progress as a means to better inform instruction and allow our school to target our curriculum in a very direct way.
“While we feel for every family and the challenges that they have faced throughout the pandemic, our Catholic schools have not experienced a stunt in student growth. Through the dedication of our teachers and the partnerships we hold dear with our parents and families, Catholic school students are thriving both academically and spiritually.” - Dr. Katie Perata, Executive Director of Catholic Schools
STAR Assessments for Diocese of Sacramento Spring of 2021/2022
Last year statistics showed that students across the Diocese of Sacramento achieved grade-level benchmarks and many advanced beyond grade level in the 2020-2021 academic year. Now, we are delighted to share that progress continues with data showing considerable increases in student growth in both math and reading from the start of this year to this last trimester. We continue to use data to support the needs of every student.
STAR Assessment Update for All of Diocese of Sacramento Winter of 2020/2021
During the first few weeks of the 2021/2022 school year, all diocese of sacramento students completed their first of three star assessments of the year. Dr. Perata, executive director of catholic schools, shared a comparison of our diocesan schools' progress to those of other catholic schools in the state and the nation. These charts above prove our students' assessment score percentages from last year are on the path to success. Not only did sacramento diocese students score higher in both math and reading than the state and national average, but we scored higher in all grades.
Even during covid, our diocese of sacramento, including solano county, catholic school students are achieving grade-level benchmarks and many are advancing beyond grade-level expectations.